Sports Committee: catalogue all sports equipment; lead the Fyffee's Fit Squad initiative in all classes;
Poly-tunnel Supervisors: make a list of what is needed for poly-tunnel; allocate planting beds to each class; catalogue the seeds we have; research planting in autumn;
ICT Committee: catalogue tablets and headphones available; sign in and find required passwords; number tablets and pair each with a charger; prepare 7 tablets for station teaching in 1st and 2nd class;
Chess Committee: count boards and pieces; separate chess pieces into bags and label black/ white; organise chess boards for 1st and 2nd class chess lesson on Thursdays;
Poly-tunnel Supervisors: make a list of what is needed for poly-tunnel; allocate planting beds to each class; catalogue the seeds we have; research planting in autumn;
ICT Committee: catalogue tablets and headphones available; sign in and find required passwords; number tablets and pair each with a charger; prepare 7 tablets for station teaching in 1st and 2nd class;
Chess Committee: count boards and pieces; separate chess pieces into bags and label black/ white; organise chess boards for 1st and 2nd class chess lesson on Thursdays;